Expand your Knowledge

The U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef has developed resources that can help identify opportunities for continuous improvement in all types of operations and companies throughout the beef industry. 

  • These resources aim to distinguish actions that can improve and expand the sustainability of your operation and the beef value chain. 
  • The USRSB's high-priority indicators are laid out with actionable items to understanding the dynamics of the indicators and actions that align with sector targets. 
  • The U.S. Beef Industry Sustainability Framework provides comprehensive views on the beef value chain's unique opportunities to contribute to a sustainable future for each of the high priority indicators. 

USRSB Modules

ESAP 2023

Sustainability Modules

These sustainability modules contain a series for each of the sectors of the supply chain to explore. Participate in them to identify key areas of opportunity for improvement at your operation.

 Start Module 

Grazing Management Plan Development Module

As cattle producers, you know your land, herd and natural resources better than anyone else. Use this module to see how you can continue to excel in your operations. 

 Start Module 

Download the Grazing Management Plan template

USRSB Photography

High-Priority Indicators & Sector Target Modules

The USRSB set High-Priority Indicator Goals and Sector Targets around six key indicators of sustainability. This module series explores areas of success and opportunity for improvement for each sector of the beef supply chain around each indicator. 

 Start Module 


Self-Assessment tool

Assess and measure your business/operation against the U.S. Beef Industry Sustainability Framework to find opportunities for continuous improvement. This resource is for individuals and organizations throughout the entire supply chain.

 Self-assessment tool 

*The self-assessment tool does not retain any information apart from tracking the number of times the tool has been completed. If you wish to keep your results you must download a copy of the report and save and/or print it for your records. The tool asks for name and business name in the event that the user has multiple facilities or operations under their control and need to export data with identifying information. 

Sustainability Toolkits

View the collection of external sources to support the material of the online training. Templates are available for in-the-moment application and active links will allow you to visit websites instantly, expanding your knowledge of each topic.

 PRODUCER Toolkit 

 Auction Market Toolkit 

 Feedyard Toolkit 

 PAcker & PRocessor Toolkit

 REtail & Foodservice Toolkit 


Sustainability Framework

The U.S. Beef Industry Sustainability Framework is intended to help continually and voluntarily improve the sustainability of U.S. beef. By utilizing the Framework, the beef value chain commits to continually seeking opportunities to improve. In turn, the Framework will help connect the consumer to the beef community, answering questions the consumer may have about beef production. 

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2021 ESAP Photography

U.S. Beef Sustainability Passport

Discover the timeline and works of the USRSB since its founding in 2015. The passport includes an overview of the guiding documents, programs and resources of USRSB.

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ESAP 2023

A Review and Exploration of the Socioeconomic Benefits of Written Grazing Management Plans

The steps involved in developing a written grazing management plan and more importantly executing the plan, should align with the phases and processes involved in implementing adaptive management strategies to produce desirable social and economic outcomes.

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ESAP 2023

Decades of Change in the United States Feedyard Industry

USRSB member, Elanco animal health performed an assessment utilizing their Benchmark® database to take a look into shifts in emissions and efficiency and yield for the U.S. feedyard industry. Work highlights improvements observed since 1999 and areas of opportunity for the U.S. feedyard industry.

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USRSB Cow-Calf Financial Health Index Report

The financial and economic health of the cow-calf sector is vital for the long-term sustainability of the cattle and beef industry.  As a part of its work toward its Efficiency and Yield Goal, the USRSB contracted with CattleFax to develop a cow-calf financial health index in order to capture trends in the economic health of this important sector of the industry. 

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